
Jeffrey Moreland's Bio

I believe that in order to remain healthy and happy my life should revolve around balance. As such, when possible I like to get 8 hours of sleep, 8 hours of work, and 8 hours of play. Of course, things get complicated when my work is my play!

It is my understanding that a well-balanced person has a diversity of interests and passions a few of which I have outlined below.



Flexibility, endurance, balance, and strength are the main physical attributes I focus on. Some of my physical activities are:

  • Total Body Yoga
  • Cross Country Running
  • Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
  • Strength Building Weight Lifting

Activity is only one part of my physical focus. The other part is diet. Quality over quantity is how I distinguish a good diet.

Meat in moderation, supplemented with protein, while the rest being fruits and veggies. Although it helps that I'm a pretty good cook!



Reading, quantum programming, entomology, and chemistry are passions that allow me to grow intellectually.

I enjoy reading both non-fiction, mainly STEM related topics, and fiction, in the form of fantasy.

My current goal in life, one I've pursued since the age of 17, requires the potential of quantum programming to simulate.

When I was young I dreamed of becoming a zoologist. Today I live out that dream through the branch of entomology. Currently I have formicaries housing species solenopsis invicta and brachymyrmex patagonicus.

Being born into a family of chemists I found it hard if not impossible to ignore the fact that chemistry was in my blood, literally!



Photography, food sculpting, graphic design, and painting enable me to express my imagination.

Being gifted with excellent eyes granted me the ability to capture what I saw through a lens.

From cooking out of necessity grew a craving for more than just hamburger helper which began a desire to make food that appealed to the eye that ignited a passion to sculpt food, sometimes designed not to be ate.

MS Paint taught me how to play then MS Creative Suite taught me how to play hard.



Being inherently inquisitive I'm compelled to discover new hobbies and interests. A few of them being video games, Japanese animation, cooking, music, and making doodads.

As any self-respecting nerd I was born with a Nintendo controller in my hand ready to play some old school Mario Bros.

My family has a strong relationship with the Japanese culture going back to my grandfather. As such, it seemed natural to have an interest in anime as soon as it was first introduced.

Through months and years of sampling different genres I've fallen the most in love with a sub-genre called Female Vocal Trance.

Whether it was repairing my laptop's inverter, reprogramming my tablet, or building my own cruiser bicycle from parts I am fully aware that when I have a will there is a way.



I've traveled the world, and I'm very grateful, however I don't plan on stopping! So far, my travels have taken me to The Grand Canyon, L.A., N.Y.C., Mexico, Hawaii, Germany, Amsterdam, Japan, Maine, and also Texas since I was born and raised in Connecticut.

My Grand Canyon trip was unforgettable as my father and I spend an entire week rafting the white water rapids of the Colorado River!

Spending three months living in Mexico and exploring the Aztec Ruins during the rainy season was a tropical dream come true.

When I was 20 I wanted a challenge so I planned a trip to live in Germany by myself as I learned the German Language.

Although I'm content with learning the Japanese language and watching anime, two of my cousins found it necessary to move to Japan and marry into their society. Thus, a family wedding was planned, and I thought I was the extremist!