About Me

One of my greatest talents in life is that I have never found it difficult nor have I ever lacked the courage to pursue my interests, passions, dreams, or any opportunity to further better myself.

Whether it's running 10 miles, traveling the world, or full-filling my childhood dreams I always succeed through planning, acting, and never giving up.

I achieve happiness by focusing on humility, gratitude, and the happiness of those around me. Since it is a fool who seeks happiness in the future and the wise that grow it at their feet.

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Microsoft SQL Server








Microsoft Access, Excel, Word

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017

Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator










These portfolio websites were developed in Visual Studio 2017, hosted on GoDaddy Plesk servers, and use MS SQL Server databases. They serve as a showcase of what work I have completed and what projects I am currently developing. Feel free to check out my bio website to learn more about who I am and what I do. Web Design showcases my travel pictures using Bootstrap 3, JQuery, with a focus on UI/EX Design. App Deveopment utilizes MVC, LINQ, and MS SQL Server in a few applications for demonstration purposes. Branding focuses on rich UI/UX Design, Flex Box, and dynamic filters. Live business displays my client websites I've built using wix as a medium for reliable client hosting and maintanance.

The 7Seasons website features canvas and keyframe animations with interactive UI/UX design with a parallax scrolling effect. Websites Hawaii Vacation & Japan Travel Guide feature UI/UX Design, JQuery, Bootstrap 3, WebAPI, and Flex Box. While, Belgrade Work In Progress uses JQuery, Bootstrap 3, and a javascript countdown timer.

The Belgrade Store website was developed in a C# ASP.NET environment using MVC, MS SQL Server, LINQ, and JQuery while also featuring an admin backend to manage orders, change store items, and Unit Testing. The Party Invites website was also developed in a C# ASP.NET environment but uses MVP with Ninject for dependency injection (instead of MVC) while also allowing for Unit Testing.

My Bio website summarizes who I am through a rich UI/UX Design in ASP.NET using JQuery, Bootstrap 3, and Flex Box. The Jenni Gallery website illustrates a three color-tone picture gallery in ASP.NET using JQuery, Bootstrap 3 and a dynamic filter.

These are live business websites I've built using wix for business owners. Discovering what the client envisions and applying that vision in a way to best serve their business is critical. Applying SEO focused marketing strategies and ensuring origonal content while abiding to ever changing privacy laws world wide.


What you made is extremely impressive! This program has saved millions.

-Scott L.
Process Engineer, NASDAQ: AAOI.

Employee of the Month is only a small reward for your great work with us.

-Annette P.
President, Carlton Staffing.

Nothing will stand in your way of being awesome.

-Jennifer S.
RCP3, RRT, Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital.


  • 2019

    Belgrade Heroes

    Co-founder/Chief Software Developer

    Full stack web developer for several companies both in the USA and foreign. Consistently recognized by clients for knowledge of both European and American privacy laws, professionalism, and overall service. Develop, troubleshoot, launch, and maintain an array of online websites for clients.

  • 2021

    University of Houston

    Student Research Assistant

    Programmed a DNA chromatin loop classifying machine learning algorithm pipeline in python. Manipulated and analyzed unstructured data sets for cell line GM12878. Preprocessed cell line GM12878 dataset for machine learning using feature scaling, synthetic minority oversampling technique, and dataset structuring. Fitted cell line GM12878 dataset for machine learning algorithms such as Decision Trees, Random Forest, Logistic Regression, K-Nearest Neighbor, Support Vector Machines (with radial basis kernel), Artificial Neuron Network also known as Deep Learning, Naïve Bayes, and Gradient Boost. Performed hyperparameter tuning and calculated feature importance.

  • 2021

    University of Houston

    IT Project Management Office Student Worker

    Designed and developed a MS SharePoint website for the IT Project Management Office. Utilized front-end web development using HTML, CSS, jQuery, Bootstrap, and Font Awesome. Designed and implemented a Power BI report and dataset to dynamically update on the home page.

  • 2017

    Applied Optoelectronics

    Software Developer

    Saved AOI an estimated million dollars, within a years’ time, by automating a quality control process. Assembled a DOS shell program to rename and sort quality control pictures that was used 4,307 times, averaging 40 uses per day, over 109 days which led to a reduction in time spent by 91%. Total savings was an estimated 98 hours, a calculated value of $3,445.31 USD of overhead savings. Built a digital inventory management system (IMS) prototype to upgrade a paper based IMS for chemicals which prevented stock from running out by tracking, estimating, then alerting staff to order when stock is low.

  • 2016


    Software Developer

    Created an excel program to automate a production line shipping process using a box-sizing algorithm that allowed for DIM optimization which saved up to 40% in shipping costs per customer. Integrated Excel’s Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) with screen scraping macros to automate data input. Developed a postage receipt application to display and print the customer's finances while promoting the company's brand. Performed website maintenance and troubleshooting using regression testing and bug reporting.

  • 2009

    Best Buy Co.

    Geek Squad Technician

    Installed, troubleshooted, repaired, and maintained software on any and all devices. Inspected and removed computer viruses from MS and Apple operating systems. Installed, troubleshooted, and repaired hardware ranging from computers, vacuum cleaners, cameras, and microwaves. Achieved a customer service ranking in the top 10 for the region.

  • 2014


    Chief Information Security Officer

    Completed several test-driven projects using a micro-controller prototype coded in Arduino. Identified and resolved brute force password security gaps by implementing an automated test that distinguished computers from humans (CAPTCHA) which strengthened website software security. Installed, configured, and maintained security software then trained personnel in good cyber-security habits.


  • 2019

    University of Houston: Downtown

    Computer Science Graduate 4.0 GPA

    Achieved a position of Vice-President of the ACM Student Chapter. Organized and taught workshops such as a Recursive Sudoku Solver in ASP.NET C#, a Tic-tac-toe Recursive Minmax AI in React JS, a Starter Store Database in MS SQL Server, and a maze pathfinding AI in python. Attended hackathons and conferences with fellow members to promote ACM.

  • 2013

    Houston Community College

    Chemical Process Technology Graduate

    Leader of the Ethanol Pilot Plant Operations Team.

  • 2011

    University of Houston

    Chemical Engineering Candidate

    60 Credit Hours completed and President of the AIChE Student Chapter at UNH. Additionally, hosted and maintained a PHP forum for the AIChE Student Chapter at UNH. Also, Leader of the Fire Emergency Response Robotics Team at UNH.


819 Marcolin St.
Houston, TX 77088


Thank you for your time and consideration

I'm a software developer. I design and build applications. If you would like to work with me please send me a message below or give me a call, I might even pick up the phone!